two page spread in a printed publication.
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The blue layer represent the calmness of home. The structures are used to portray fragments of life and to relay that then I think "home" I imagine a house. The feeling of home to me is a safe and warm space that you can change and mold to meet your needs and grant you safety and comfort.
This layer feels a little empty because it is free of any outside world disturbances, it's pure peace and quiet.
The red layer is filled with images that represent Russia and the intrusive thoughts I have about it on daily basis. Some symbols come back from the animation I've made earlier, e.g. birch tree and kokoshnik. And some images are new, from the carpets on the wall to the soviet building with a jumper on top. The image is overwhelming and is meant to portray the almost violence with which these though parade through my brain. The mess in the kitchen is related to the alcohol abuse, alcoholism; the floating men are representing the patriarchal society structure and the babies are questioning the family values and conservative gender roles. The cyrillic letters scream "puting is strength",while he is but a parasite feeding on our hopes and dreams. The building represent the nostalgia for the past and the post soviet wind travelling through the city. The person on the roof is going to jump, I've seen it happen, I've known people who couldn't be heard and saw no other option.
The layers come together in a blast, it's messy, it's crowded, you don't want to stay here. By putting red film over the image, you can highlight the blue and tone down the red, making the picture a bit calmer. However the red filter cannot get rid of the red, it can only ease the intensity. This is relevant to the work because of the nature of these intrusive thoughts and the feelings they give me; I cannot rid myself of them by running away or ignoring it. They are never really gone, because where I'm from is a part of who I am and why I am the way I am and it's not something I need to avoid. It's something I should work on, make peace with.